Rectified Thinking in a World at War

April 2, 2013 at 4:30 pm (Race)


I have not blogged here for some months now as I have been incredibly busy. After I was ejected from Oracle, I put my efforts into developing Renegade Broadcasting as a powerful platform, free from the old platitudes. One of the necessary steps along the way was to remove the retarding and debasing elements from the conversation.

This is why the “Celtic” “Rebel” is no longer associated with our operation in any way. Although he and I did some decent work together in the past, I feel obliged to apologize for the filth and promotion of degenerate behaviors. Many people could no longer take the inane shows, laced with vile diatribes, and are now former listeners.

Actually, since Mike Sledge and I stopped broadcasting from Oracle, the whole network saw a drastic drop in listeners. So many people jumped ship that Oracle officially shut down its operation as of April 1st. The “Rebel” was the last fool to broadcast from there, ending his show with technical difficulties that resulted in my old bumper music being played throughout his commercial breaks, before the stream shut down unexpectedly. Perhaps the gremlins thought it was an appropriate farewell to play tunes like “Sledgehammer” and finish off with “Overture to The Sun”. I know I certainly enjoyed it.

Alex and others over at the now defunct broadcasting platform have tried to slander Mike and myself as racists, supremacists, bigots, and Nazis. These attacks were ineffective, so they decided to spend much of their last weekend on the air launching disgusting personal attacks on us, whilst never debating the overwhelming evidence we have brought to public attention. They do not seem to care if we are actually correct concerning the genocidal policies and propaganda targeting the European peoples of the world. Apparently they would rather make asses of themselves as they sink into oblivion.

I have been too dedicated to let their tactics distract me too much from my goal of raising awareness and organizing an opposition. To that effect, I have created some short videos that I would like to share with you. This is a matter near and dear to my heart and I sincerely think you will never be the same after being exposed to this information.

Dangers of “Diversity”:

Exposing The Race Mixing Agenda:

The Reality of Racial Violence:

These videos are part of a propaganda campaign to promote National Protectionism, which is a new organization created by Mike and myself to deal with the ever-increasing threat to our people. If you don’t think white genocide could happen here, just look at what the Communists did when they took control in the 20th century or what’s happening today in South Africa. You won’t find their atrocities in Hollywood movies, but this doesn’t change the facts.

If enough people understand the dire threat we are facing, then we will surely be able to persevere. Thank you for your consideration.

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